Project Goals
The project's mission statement is:
to create a compiled, high-level programming language that is
focused on creating portable software and avoiding bugs in the
source code.
- Focus on high-level & desktop applications; not intended for
low-level stuff such as operating system kernels or device drivers
- Be as modular as possible: it should be easy to write a headless
application, without GUI dependencies
- Assume common machine architecture: 'byte' is 8-bit, native
integer size is at least 32 bits
- Support common operating systems and architectures, and make
it easy to cross-compile to other platforms
- Avoid the need to write platform-specific code, and try to
prevent the user writing unportable code unintentionally
- Provide libraries for commonly needed things (containers,
sockets, GUI, multi-threading, ...) but allow users to use
alternatives instead if they wish
- The sourcecode should be easy to parse: must have a context-free
grammar and no preprocessor
Project Scope
For now, the project's scope will be limited to:
- Designing the language and its libraries
- Implementing a compiler for the language and libraries
See also